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England Vs Pakistan 2022 Pakistan Set To Host England For A Three Match Test Series

England vs Pakistan 2022: Pakistan Set to Host England for a Three-Match Test Series

First Test Match Concludes in Rawalpindi

1st Test Scorecard: Pakistan vs. England, Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium, December 01 - 05, 2022

Cricket fans eagerly awaited the start of the 2022-23 England tour of Pakistan, culminating in a three-match Test series. The first of these Tests took place at Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium from December 01 - 05, 2022.

After five days of intense competition, the match ended in a draw, with both teams failing to secure an outright victory. Pakistan posted a respectable 579 runs in their first innings, while England responded with an imposing 657 runs in their turn at bat.

Pakistan's second innings saw them reach 268 runs, setting England a challenging target of 343 runs to win. However, the English batters showed resilience and managed to draw the match with a score of 264 runs for 7 wickets at the close of play.
